This is more than a blog. It’s a collection of resources, tools, tips, thoughts, notes, jottings, videos, images and other useful stuff to help your business communicate better…

Here you’ll find anything that I think is engaging, a great example of communication or just downright useful. With an occasional smattering of complete nonsense just because it made me laugh and I hope will brighten your day too.

11th November 2022

Peter Fisher, General Manager, National Business Crime Solution

When we first hired Steve to compere The National Business Crime Conference, we’d never used a professional compere before – but now he’s fronted the event four times and I can absolutely see why hiring a professional is such a good investment. I can relax and focus on what I need to do at our flagship event, secure in the knowledge that Steve will set exactly the right tone and keep the event running to time, remaining unflappable and easy to work with even when there are changes and issues arising once the event is up and running. Steve is now our go-to compere.

Posted: 11th November 2022 by Steve Bustin Back to Useful Stuff

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