This is more than a blog. It’s a collection of resources, tools, tips, thoughts, notes, jottings, videos, images and other useful stuff to help your business communicate better…

Here you’ll find anything that I think is engaging, a great example of communication or just downright useful. With an occasional smattering of complete nonsense just because it made me laugh and I hope will brighten your day too.

8th July 2020

Matt Kendall, Certified Trainer at The Associate of IEMT

Steve spoke at my Meetup group Interesting Talks London.  Steve and I have a lot of friends in common on social media, and it was when I first saw him on TV that I recognised him and researched his story. His story is nothing short of incredible and also very relevant to the age of social media in which we live in today. His journey and story were captivating and he is obviously a very talented and funny speaker, the audience loved him. Overall a very professional guy to work with and he has a unique ability to deliver a very serious message using humour and his own experience. Everyone should see to know how to guard themselves while online.

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