This is more than a blog. It’s a collection of resources, tools, tips, thoughts, notes, jottings, videos, images and other useful stuff to help your business communicate better…

Here you’ll find anything that I think is engaging, a great example of communication or just downright useful. With an occasional smattering of complete nonsense just because it made me laugh and I hope will brighten your day too.

28th February 2020

Ilja Grzeskowitz, Global Keynote Speaker on Change and Transformation | Bestselling Author | Consultant

I had the pleasure of listening to Steve giving his keynote at the Plan B Summit in Namibia. Apart from his fascinating story, it was his humour and delivery style that impressed me a lot. In just 30 minutes he managed to wow his audience and shared some very practical tips on how to monetise ones own stories and experiences. I highly recommend Steve Bustin, when you are looking for a professional, entertaining and client focused keynote speaker.

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